Résultats d'expositions
CAC (double) + BOB/BIS
CH. Like a queen of the tivoli bulls
27/10/2013 - Pays Bas Club Match
Juge : Mrs Robson (UK)
1st Post Graduate
CH. Like a queen of the tivoli bulls
20/10/2013 - Angleterre Club Match CC
Juge : Mr Steve Davison (UK)
1ere classe ouverte (7 entrées) RCAC/RCACIB
CH. Like a queen of the tivoli bulls
28/9/2013 - Pontoise (Fr) CAC/CACIB
Juge : Roger Barenne (Fr)
2nd Junior Bitch (11 entrées)
CH. Like a queen of the tivoli bulls
11/8/2013 - Bournemouth CC
Juge : Melanie Vincent
Like A Queen Of The Tivoli Bulls, r/w 17 mths, another nice type with no exaggerations, appealing head, would prefer a little more fore face, clean eyes, open nostrils, split nose roll, tidy ears, good brisket, shoulder, rib & topline, tail OK hind angulation sufficient, moved out very well coming & going. Melanie Vincent (Judge)
1er classe intermediraire CAC/CACIB
CH. Like a queen of the tivoli bulls
6/7/2013 - Echt CAC/CACIB
Juge : P. Roosenboom (NL)
1er classe intermediraire RCAC/RCACIB
CH. Like a queen of the tivoli bulls
29/6/2013 - Genk (Belgique) CAC/CACIB
Juge : Mr Doedijns Ronny (NL)
4th Reserve (18 entrées)
CH. Like a queen of the tivoli bulls
1/6/2013 - UK Club Show
Juge : Denise Lees
1st junior bitch et 2nd Post graduate bitch
CH. Like a queen of the tivoli bulls
31/5/2013 - UK CC
Juge : Karen Ogren (Sweden)
Feminine bitch of excellent type and size, excellent head with correct details and sour expression, sound and dark eyes, excellent front, bone and well rounded ribcage, correct topline and tail, excellent and active movement, well presented. Qualifiée pour Crufts 2014
2ème classe spécial junior
CH. Like a queen of the tivoli bulls
8/3/2013 - Birmingham Angleterre Champion Chips
Juge : Judith Daws
another fit & active bitch. Well balanced compact body with good front, deep brisket, strong bone & neat feet. Flat skull, dark eyes, wide jaw with lovely upsweep & stand-off expression. Moved out well.